Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hate is Unmistakeable

Do you ever feel like the bad guys have won?
That's how I feel today after reading Kev Leitch's farewell message, and witnessing the closure of his blog, Left Brain/Right Brain.

Kev's reasons are his own, and for no one to question. He is acting in the way that he feels necessary to protect his family, and I support him 100% in that.

Kev's daughter has been the target of impersonation and dehumanizing insults by John Best for quite some time now. John is the despicable person who writes the Hating Autism blog. His derogatory writing too often crosses ethical and moral boundaries that are easily recognized and avoided by more decent people. Over the last three days, John has committed himself to a campaign of hate against Kev and His daughter that is unprecedented in its depravity, and Kev has reacted accordingly.

Many, many people like me have directly benefitted from Kev's work in establishing a central point for autism blogging, many of whom are autistic bloggers who were able to benefit from the Hub's high traffic to get a message out to the world that Autism is not necessarily what it has been thought to be. That autistic folks are whole persons, people deserving of our respect and admiration for abilities and attitudes that were dismissed, ignored, or overlooked by most professionals until recently.

I hope Kev will still contribute his voice and efforts in other ways - ways that will provide some insulation between his family and those who would do them harm through words or deeds.
I hope the autism community realizes that we are diminishing ourselves if we let the outrageous actions of the offending person go without condemnation and censure.
I hope we can organize ourselves to continue the Autism Hub, so that there is always a place for Autistic bloggers and their allies to gather and share ideas.
I hope that Kev knows how much I and so many others appreciate his efforts over the years. And I hope that my Autistic son grows up in a world full of people like Kev Leitch, and bereft of haters like John Best. I will keep blogging to do my part to see these things happen.
And if anything occurs that causes Kev to reconsider, I will be the first in line to welcome him back.


notmercury said...

"I hope that Kev knows how much I and so many others appreciate his efforts over the years. And I hope that my Autistic son grows up in a world full of people like Kev Leitch, and bereft of haters like John Best."

Amen to that Steve.

Anonymous said...

"I hope that Kev knows how much I and so many others appreciate his efforts over the years. And I hope that my Autistic son grows up in a world full of people like Kev Leitch, and bereft of haters like John Best."

Fully agree.

John Best said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I stopped reading Mr. Best's blog more than six months ago when I decided that
a] he really does mean what he writes
b] there is no possibility of altering his opinions.

A world full of Kev's! Maybe we could clone him?
Best wishes

Navi said...

Really dissapointed to see Kev go. I just subscribed to his blog in my reader...

Club 166 said...

I guess I was out of the loop, as I just learned about this tonight.

Oh to have a world of many more Leitch's.

I'll be right behind you if he decides to return.


Casdok said...

Im in line with you.

Patrick said...

It saddens me to hear that those with negative attitudes, who openly attack people sharing ideas are good information, scare off the messengers of truth and human decency.

I can hope that most free thinking readers of the negative responses (and blogs and message groups) are able to see just how narrow minded and unreasonable the prophets (and profits) of woe are.

They (the negative) are spreading their own bad karma, preparing to reap that which they are sowing.

Don't succumb to their attacks. Recoup, regroup, and prepare for the day when the sheisters realize that they have no chance to win the battle.

Anonymous said...

Well put Steve, there are many of us who agree with you.

Marla said...

I have so much to learn.

J said...

Patrick -
You have the best comments. I feel like Winston Churchill himself has deigned to consider the points on my blog when you appear.

AV -
Thanks, as always. Its nice to have calm, well-intentioned support from decent, fine people like yourself.

And Marla -
This is your second comment on my blog, I failed to respond to the last one.
If you are taking the time to look around the Hub, you already know more than you think you do.
Feel free to email me directly with any questions you may have.